Most Influential CEO 2021
06 Apr 2021
Most Influential CEO 2021

Shoot me down but I won't fall, I am titanium
Let us show our congratulations for Louise!
Our CEO, Louise Coker, has been recognised as ‘Most Influential CEO 2021’ by CEO Monthly Magazine.
Here is Louise’s response to her outstanding achievement:
“I am thrilled, and would like to dedicate my award to all the families and schools who have supported Take Part through such a difficult 12 months. And to the team who made it happen, the ones who rolled their sleeves up and believed we could do it, despite the many challenges in our way.
Resilience: the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
Resilience is at root of every lesson we teach at Take Part.
We will always ‘Take Part’ and we will party and pogo when we can to the words of David Guetta ‘shoot me down, but I won’t fall I am titanium’.”