Salford CVS membership
31 Oct 2020
Salford CVS membership

Salford CVS form a collaboration with Take Part
Salford CVS is a membership organisation that endeavours to speak up for and act in the interests of its members in all of its work – promoting the interests of local community groups, voluntary organisations and social enterprises working within Salford.
The links to their membership – via email, ebulletins, their website, 1-2-1 meetings in person and on the telephone, group training sessions, topical workshops, and the various VCSE ‘VOCAL’ Forums they coordinate (Leaders; Wellbeing, Health and Social Care; Children, Young People and Families; Community Safety; Skills and Work; Volunteer Coordinators) – all enable them to provide legitimate voice and representation on behalf of the sector (alongside other sector reps) on a wide range of boards and partnerships in Salford, including Salford City Partnership, Health & Wellbeing Board, Children’s Trust Board, Skills and Work Board, Community Safety Partnership, etc.
One of Salford CVS’ roles is to advocate for funding and resources for the sector, something they have successfully achieved recently for example via our support for Salford Third Sector Consortium in securing contracts and also in their negotiations with NHS Salford CCG in securing a significant sum of money to distribute to the VCSE sector via a small grants programme.
Salford CVS is governed by a Board of Trustees who are elected by members at their annual general meeting. The Board comprises people who predominantly live and / or work in Salford and who have relevant skills and experience to share. Each year the elected Board appoints a Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer from amongst its Trustee team.
Members automatically receive an invitation to the Annual General Meeting and are entitled to seek nomination to the Board of Trustees.
Other Benefits of Membership – member organisations receive:
- Invitations to special events such as our Annual Conference (free to members)
- Access to their programme of free training courses and tailored workshops – topics range from writing funding bids and tenders, through to good governance and safeguarding compliance
- The opportunity to join their e-groups and receive email bulletins about their organisation’s areas of interest – including: Strategic News, Funding, Training, Children and Young People, Health & Social Care, Trustees, Volunteering, plus a general weekly e-news
- The option to have their organisational details published in our free online directory – this includes information about what services you offer and where you operate
- The chance to bid into one of their grant funding pots – including the Little Pot of Health (LPOH) Wellbeing Fund, LPOH Impact Fund, LPOH Healthy Schools Fund and the Volunteers’ Expenses Fund. View all of their grants here.
- Access to Salford 4 Good opportunities – including benefiting from Employee Supported Volunteering, the chance to feature as a fundraising cause on the Salford 4 Good website, and the ability to submit a grant application to ‘Fund 4 Good’ grant application rounds
- Discounts on their range of financial services – including payroll management, book-keeping, management accounts, independent examinations
- Discounts on other chargeable services – including bespoke training and consultancy, PQASSO mentoring, etc
- Access to additional administrative services – such as DBS checks, holding accounts, unit costing support, minute-taking, photocopying
- Access to the members-only section of the Salford CVS website
This membership will really support Take Part and the work they do, and we can’t wait to support Salford in everything we do. Thank you Salford CVS!