The Creation Station
07 Apr 2021
The Creation Station

The ‘Creative Session’ covers two digital media communications, Podcasting, and Vlogging. Vlogging is the process of creating a video blogpost (Vlog) and Podcasting is the process of creating a spoken audio recording which often takes the form of interviews and relevant audio effects. Both are then uploaded to the cloud where they are listened to using digital streaming services, such as online radio stations, YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music.
Q: What qualification can you get?
A: The Creative Qualifications run from Debut – Grade 8 like instrumental music exams, but, unlike Graded Music Exams, the course is 100% coursework so assessment is done by submitting your finished work to a secure portal for marking.
Q: Who are they for?
A: The Creative Qualifications are designed for anyone who wants to gain a globally recognized qualification in Podcasting or Vlogging. They are particularly well-suited to groups to gain a creative qualification in digital media through extra-curricular clubs like Take Part.
Q: How is it assessed? Is there an exam?
A: Each qualification is assessed through 90% portfolio submission and a 10% critical evaluation. This means that, for each grade, students work through a practical coursework task and, when it is finished, they complete an evaluation of their work and we upload both for submission to a secure portal. The examiners then mark the work and give students a grade. The work is marked out of 100 and students gain either a Pass, Merit, or Distinction. You can find the mark scheme in the Syllabus Guide and on our website here: Podcasting // Vlogging.
Q: Do I get a certificate?
A: Yes. Students are given a digital mark sheet and a certificate for the grade they have completed.
Q: What other feedback do I get?
A: Students will also receive unique video feedback from their examiner sent digitally to Take Part’s RSL Awards account.
Q: Do I need to buy a book to do this qualification?
A: Take Part will provide a link to your e-syllabus to accompany the grades covering all the content needed for the qualification, including the coursework task.
Q: How much do the sessions cost?
A: In line with our other sessions, Creation Station is £6 for a 45-minute group lesson, plus exam fee.
Q: What equipment and software do I need to complete the qualification?
A: This varies according to the grade so please look at the syllabus document available on the RSL website here for more detailed information: Podcasting // Vlogging.
Please enrol for our Creation Stations at Glossop and New Mills through the contact form below.