The Power of Pressing Pause
06 Apr 2021
The Power of Pressing Pause

A message from our CEO…
Life events shape us and make us resilient and reflective. What we do with that knowledge and reflection makes us become the people we are. We are now living in a highly complex and changing world which can cause confusion, stress and anxiety. We have all experienced a rollercoaster of emotions over the last 12 months and no doubt there’s more to come one way or another.
As we come out of lockdown, I encourage you to press pause, to stop and really think about your desires for the future. How do you want your life to look? What’s important to you? How does it align with your holistic wellbeing? How are you going to manage the challenges that will be heading your way?
Personally I am currently on a journey of self reflection and I am enjoying the exciting discoveries I am finding along the way. I am enthused by the thought of a life long learning journey of Coaching and Mentoring, and how the skills I’m learning will help to support and guide others, enabling them to discover their potential and take part in the lives they choose to live. My aim is to use this strategic level of thinking and blend it with the insights brought to me by our Take Part community, so please remember that the door is wide open and I am all ears. I will be spending part of the Easter break revisiting the surveys that 40 of you kindly filled in before Christmas and reflecting on your comments and insights as we return face to face on Saturday 17 April. As the saying goes, ‘you cannot please all of the people all of the time’, I am fully aware that every single one of you probably want something different right now, but we can listen and respond accordingly. We will be presenting more ‘listening and connecting’ opportunities so we can improve our offer and bring to you the service you as families need as we recover from the trauma that has been, and still is COVID-19.
I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to those who have supported Take Part through the last 12 months. Without your belief, trust and confidence, we may not have had the choice to bounce back. The future of many children, young people, adults, performers and tutors may have looked very different right now. As a team we strongly believe we offer a service that makes a difference, giving people opportunities to grow and develop the lives they choose to live.
12 months ago the shows were pulled from under us, auditions and exams were cancelled and dreams and aspirations shattered. Back then I felt sad, disappointed, scared, devastated. Helpless and lost with the lack of direction, just the quietness of isolation. Today I am in a very different place. I feel energised, excited, strong and ready to motivate and lead. I have learned so much about how I feel, not only as an individual but as an advocate for creative arts and a cheerleader for Take Part.
I am ready to drive us forward into the next chapter with the strength, determination, resilience and skills this last 12 months has brought to me, to pass onto you, the families and friends who are Take Part.
We ARE Take Part, and now we know we wear our logos IN our hearts,
We WILL perform to the extreme, and the ONLY way is to be a team.
Have a great week!